
Posts Tagged ‘fitness’

New Year, New You–Kick Those Cravings to the Curb!!

In healthful eating, holistic health, Uncategorized, wellness on January 19, 2013 at 6:24 pm

Is this you, or someone you know?

  • Do you need to reach for that sweet pastry or cookie every  mid-morning or afternoon–washed down, of course, by a cup of (often      canstockphoto4507289sugarsweetened) coffee or maybe even a soda? Then, the whole cycle starts over  again, and you can’t wait for your next sweet–or maybe you want something  salty to balance that sweet taste out.
  • Are you pretty heavy-handed with the salt shaker, often salting  even before you taste the food?
  • Do you crave crunchy, salty things at night like potato chips or pretzels?
  • Do you wake up feeling bloated, moody, irritable and tired, with  puffy eyes and “brainfog?”
  • Do you constantly fight that craving, usually by trying to eat  something “healthier,” only to give in later and STILL have that desired treat?
  • Do you feel like you’re ruled by your cravings and it always stops  you from losing those pesky last pounds?

We usually think of cravings as really bad things, to be fought at all costs. Problem is, we almost always lose that fight! They do give us some brilliant information about our bodies, though.

Once we understand what those cravings are telling us, we can learn to handle them, get rid of them for good–and then watch those last pounds release!

I’ll show you how on January 30th, when I teach for the NYC Learning Annex. You’ll learn what those cravings mean and give you some tips for handling them during my “Kick Your Cravings to the Curb” class at the Penn Mutual offices, 2 Park Avenue at 32nd St, Suite 300, NYC 10016.learningannex

During the class you’ll:

  • Understand what different cravings mean
  • Learn tips and suggestions for understanding, and then eliminating,  them
  • Walk away with a crystal clear vision for your ultimate physical   health, weight,energy and vitality
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your body’s  ability to cope with those cravings
  • Re-energize and inspire you to handle them once and for all!


  • Feel great, more energetic than ever, and any excess weight will   start to drop off.
  • Never feel deprived or have to use that dreaded “diet” word   or feel guilty –ever again

For more information and to register, click here.


Irene Ross CHHC, AADP is a health and nutrition coach who helps people get off the diet roller coaster and alter unhealthy habits–so they look and feel great, have abundant energy and sleep better.

Author of the e-book, Sugar’s Sour Story, and of the forthcoming book, 25 Ways to Fire Up Your Day: Increase Energy, Get More Done in Less Time, Balance Your Life, her website is:

The Power of Your Mind: Affecting Everything from Wellness to Prosperity

In career, entrepreneur, health, nutrition, Uncategorized, wellness on May 21, 2012 at 10:36 pm


How does your brain/mind affect your health, wellness, longevity, prosperity, success and more?

Early research by Eldon Taylor and others proved that auditory stimulation is one of the most effective ways to change a state of mind. Eldon Taylor theorized that by using verbal stimuli just below the threshold of awareness, he could have a positive effect on the moods and behavior of the listeners. His theories were proven correct and thus were born the InnerTalk® method.

A former practicing criminalist, Taylor says he first became intrigued by this concept over 25 years ago when he heard of a study completed by the LA Police Department in anticipation of the LA-hosted Olympics.  The study, he says, focused on information delivery–what we know as subliminal messages.  This study featured sounds, such as furnaces, with messages embedded that would speak to a person’s physiology.  It was first tested on the police cadets, he says, but had to be terminated within 3 days, since they all experienced powerful physiological reactions, such as dehydration.

What Role Does The Subconscious Mind Play?

“Science has discovered many of the hard wired connections that appear to give the brain/mind so much control over the body (health, wellness, longevity, and youthfulness) and our destinies in terms of success, learning, wealth and prosperity,” says Eldon Taylor. Yet, as his website points out, the only limitation is that which is self-imposed, with us being subjected to repeated messages teaching self doubt, fear, anxiety, etc. This programmed language of limitation has become the life script, expectation, and therefore most of the reality.

He continues: To change current behavior, you first have to change the information stored in the subconscious. It sounds easy, but you can’t just tell your subconscious to think differently and ask for life-changing behavior modification. You must find a way to counteract those subconscious thoughts and introduce different thoughts for your subconscious to use. The InnerTalk method will help you control the introduction of stimuli to the subconscious and therefore control behavior modification.”

Taylor says his technology and products have been rigorously tested by independent researchers at leading universities, such as Stanford.

” In the most rigorous of scientific research designs, the double blind study, our programs have repeatedly demonstrated their effectiveness. From Weight Loss to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), from stress to depression, from learning to examination anxiety, and more, we have demonstrated our ability to facilitate your mind power,” he says.

Read an article by Eldon Taylor on the Fit and Healthy Program with the InnerTalk® method: forever fit and healthy by eldon taylor


Taylor, a former criminologist, is is considered one of the foremost authorities on subconscious motivation and developed the patented and proven subliminal technology called InnerTalk®.   The New York Times best-selling author has had his work cited in many books and he is the creator of more than 300 award-winning books, audio and video programs.

Taylor is a fellow in the American Psychotherapy Association and an internationally sought-after speaker. His books and audio-video materials have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have sold millions worldwide.

In early June, he’ll be officially rolling out his newest product, “Fit and Healthy,” a package of 9 programs and 8 CDs, utilizing the Inner Talk Technology.

Sugar and Energy: The “Crash”

In health, lifestyle, wellness on March 21, 2012 at 3:04 pm


Sugar creates fluctuations in blood sugar levels, resulting in that well-known “sugar crash,” resulting in that listless, sleepy, depressed and, even sometimes irritable and anxious, feeling.

Here’s why:  First, you need to know that your body only needs ONE TEASPOON of sugar in the blood.  When you eat sugar, you’re creating a “high sugar emergency.”  Your body will immediately send for insulin to transport the sugar into your cells where it’s converted to fuel.  It does such a good job it removes ALL the sugar; you’ll not only crash—but your body will interpret the “low blood sugar” emergency and send the signal for you to eat even more sugar.



Irene Ross, CHHC, AADP is a nutrition and wellness coach who helps people instantly increase their energy so they avoid that mid-morning or afternoon slump, get more done in less time and balance their lives.  Author of the forthcoming book, 25 Ways To Fire Up Your Day:  Increase Energy, Get More Done in Less Time, Balance Your Life, her website is:

Irene writes a regular newsletter, “Wellness Power.”  To sign up, e-mail her at:





Five Ways to Nourish Your Career, Your Life

In career, food, health, job, lifestyle, nutrition, wellness on January 23, 2012 at 12:41 am

I once knew a woman who would come back from her lunch break sleepy and cranky. She’d put her head down on her desk and then arise to shout and snap at co-workers, clients-and, eventually, her boss. She was fired shortly after that incident.

She’d always explain her behavior by saying “It’s the food!” She was actually on to something; food is powerful and can seriously affect your moods and energy levels. Food has the power to heal-or harm.

Whether you’re unemployed and job-hunting, or employed but want to move up the company ladder, you need to stand out from the competition like never before.

Emily Koltnow, president of the executive recruiting firm, Koltnow & Company, says: “All companies look for both professionalism and enthusiasm. If you’re not feeling your best, you won’t be as energetic. Being healthy is a critical component of the interviewing process.”

Another recruiter mentioned to me that, yes, skills on paper are important–but, also, at the end of the day, the prospective employer will look at the entire picture of you.  In other words, “At the end of the day, will that person make my job easier or more difficult?”

Here are five (5) easy, but highly effective, nutritional and lifestyle strategies for maintaining that competitive edge-and your moods.

1. Keep a Food Journal: Everything is food -and it can affect all areas of your day, energy levels, and even your mood. Knowledge is power. So write it down: How do you feel when you eat a certain food or consume a particular meal? Happy? Energetic? Sleepy? Irritable? Examine your results, detect patterns, and avoid problem or trigger foods.

2. Get enough sleep: Everyone should get at least 7.5 hours a night. There are several reasons why adequate sleep is important.

First, when we don’t get enough sleep, we often, naturally turn to comfort foods with high fat, high sugar, and high sodium contents. Those, in themselves, are energy zappers-not to mention the havoc they wreak on your diet.

Second, sleep has a direct effect on three hormones that regulate stress, energy balance and appetite. When you don’t get enough sleep, cortisol, the stress hormone, elevates glucose and appetite; it’s often blamed for thickening mid-sections. Lack of sleep also causes ghrelin, which increases appetite, to increase, and leptin, which suppresses appetite and moderates energy balance, to decrease.

Third, inadequate sleep affects immunity and moods. A few years ago the Archives of Internal Medicine explored the common cold.  Therefore, 153 people received, via nose drop, the rhino virus.  The rhino virus is the virus that gives us the common cold, said New York City Naturopathic Doctor, Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc.  It was found that those studied, who got at least seven hours of sleep per night, were 300% less likely to catch a cold.  For more information on the study, click here.

Too stressed to sleep? Learn some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga.

3. Eat Breakfast: Eating breakfast will keep your energy levels consistent throughout the morning, most likely leading to you making better choices at lunch. When you skip breakfast: you’ll be ravenous and fuzzy by mid-morning, which will probably lead to you reaching for a caffeinated drink or sugary snack to offset the slump. At lunch, you’ll probably be very hungry, and tired, and will binge on sugary foods, causing a mid-afternoon slump. I once worked with a woman who rummaged through the company kitchen by 4:00 PM to look for leftover birthday cake, pizza or other treats. Yet another made a regular run to Baskin-Robbins every afternoon around 3:00.

A good breakfast should include a little protein, whole grains, vegetables and/or fruit.

4. Stay Hydrated: Water transports nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, so drink up-or you’ll feel fatigued if you don’t drink enough. If you wait until you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. If you don’t drink enough, you can experience everything from muscle cramps to headaches, inability to pay attention, and dizziness.

Divide your weight in half-that’s the number of ounces you should drink per day-and substitute a glass of water every time you want to reach for caffeine or sugary drinks.

5. Fit Fare: Eat plenty of whole foods: grains, vegetables, fish and lean proteins. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber. Grains are a complex carbohydrate, absorbing into the bloodstream at a steady rate, providing long-lasting energy. They also increase serotonin, the substance that makes you feel less stressed. As for veggies, the more colorful the assortment, the better, because each color contains a different set of phytonutrients, thought to promote health. Don’t forget sea vegetables-kelp, dulce, seaweeds, hajiki and nori; they’re loaded with minerals (such as calcium) are an excellent source of Iodine, Vitamin K and B-vitamins. Nori makes a great substitute for bread when creating wraps.

Protein provides amino acids which are building blocks for many things in the body, including playing a role in alertness. It also helps build and maintain body cells and regulate body processes. Fish provides important omega 3’s which appear to have many health benefits for body and brain, including reducing risk for heart disease and improving mood.

Superfoods, called that because of their high nutrient content, include berries, citrus fruits, oats, pumpkin (100% pure-not the pie filling), walnuts, and yogurt. Greens–broccoli, spinach, kale, collards, bok choy–have been linked to everything from improved circulation to promoting healthy immune systems and lessening depression.


Irene Ross, CHHC, AADP ( is a certified nutrition and wellness coach.  She helps people instantly double their energy so they can avoid that mid-morning or afternoon slump, get more done in less time and balance their lives.  Irene writes a newsletter called “Power Wellness” (you can subscribe through her website) and is author of the forthcoming book, 25 Ways To Fire Up Your Day:  Increase Energy, Get More Done in Less Time, Balance Your Life and also writes a popular pet wellness blog:

Irene is also a health partner of The Loszach Group, an organization that assesses and analyzes a company’s needs to ensure the most effective wellness program.

Irene is offering a complimentary 30-minute “nutritional breakthrough” session, which can be done either via phone or in-person.  To schedule a session, please contact her through:

New Year, New You: Next Series of Group Wellness Classes Begin Soon

In classes, education, health, nutrition, wellness on December 27, 2011 at 8:34 pm

It’s almost the New Year! What are your wellness goals? More energy? More focus and clarity? Maybe to finally get back into those favorite skinny jeans?

Recharge and take control of your life by enrolling in the next series of group classes. This 3-month program will begin January 16 and end on March 30.

There’ll be several essential elements to the class:

1. First, we’re going to jumpstart everyone’s goals with everyone–including me–doing a 9-day nutritional cleanse. When you do a safe and effective cleanse, you rid your body of toxins, rejuvenate it, and provide your body with the necessary enzymes to transport minerals. While a cleanse isn’t a weight loss program per se, the happy result is usually the loss of a few pounds–but you’ll definitely look firmer, younger (who doesn’t want that?) and have an abundance of energy. In short, you’ll be thrilled with the results!

2. We’ll meet twice a month (every other week) for one (1) hour each time to discuss nutritional issues, such as cravings; eating healthfully with limited time, budget and other resources; the effects of food on overall well-being and mood and more. We’ll also discuss lifestyle techniques; afterall, everything feeds us, and if one part of our life is out of balance we’ll be left, well, hungry.

3. Food lists, recipes and daily inspirations will be sent to your inbox on a daily basis to make sure you stay focused.

PRICE: $500 for the entire 3-month program, including any materials

WHERE: Midtown West Office DATE: January 16 to March 30, 2012

TIME: 6:30 to 7:30 PM

ENROLL: (212) 563-2353 or

Irene Ross, CHHC, AADP, is a board certified wellness and nutrition coach. She works with people to help them instantly double their energy so they avoid that mid-morning or afternoon slump, get more done in less time, and balance their lives. She graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she studied over 100 dietary theories, lifestyle management techniques and cutting-edge coaching methods with instructors such as Deepak Chopra, MD; Dr. David Katz; Dr. Mark Hyman; Geneen Roth; Dr. Andrew Weil–and many, many more. You can sign up for her newsletter, Power Wellness, through the link on the home page of this website. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Linked In or follow her on Twitter (@yetmorehealth.)

Author of the forthcoming book, 25 Ways To Fire Up Your Day:  Increase Energy, Get More Done in Less Time, Balance Your Life, she also writes a popular pet wellness blog: